Posts tagged Godly Play
Godly Play on the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Welcome to our online Godly Play circle on the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost.

This week we are hearing the story of St. Augustine of Hippo. Shannon is our storyteller and Brooke will help us get ready for the story.

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Godly Play on the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost

Welcome to our online Godly Play circle on the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost. This week we are hearing the story of Jesus Healing Two Daughters. Shannon is our storyteller and Brooke will help us get ready for the story.

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Godly Play on the Ninth Sunday After Pentecost

Welcome to our online Godly Play circle on the Ninth Sunday After Pentecost. This week we are hearing the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. Shannon is our storyteller and Brooke will help us get ready for the story.

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Godly Play on the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost

Welcome to our online Godly Play circle on the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost. This week we are hearing a story from the Old Testament. To match the reading in our Holy Eucharist service, we will learn more about the story of Jacob from the book of Genesis.

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Godly Play on the Second Sunday After Pentecost

Welcome to our Godly Play circle on the Second Sunday After Pentecost. This week we have chosen a story to match the gospel reading in our Holy Eucharist service. The story is called "Jesus Calls the 12 Disciples" and the script comes from a book called Following Jesus by Sonja Stewart.

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