Godly Play on the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost


Welcome to our online Godly Play circle on the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost.

Before the video, we wanted to remind everyone that next week (Aug 23) we will be meeting for our final LIVE session of A Summer of Godly Play over Zoom at 10 AM! Look for the link in your email next week Saturday. Please also stay posted as we hope to announce our fall children’s formation schedule soon.

This week we are hearing the story of Jesus Healing Two Daughters. Shannon is our storyteller and Brooke will help us get ready for the story. Click on the video below to watch!

If you would like to re-visit the wondering questions from the end of the video they were as follows:

  • I wonder how the little girl felt to be well again?

  • I wonder how the woman felt when no one would touch her, or hug her or even be near her for 12 long years?

  • I wonder how Jairus knew to go to Jesus?

  • I wonder what all of the people believed about Jesus.

See you next week on Zoom! And keep an eye out for the activity packets. They should arrive in the mail later in the week.