
Whether you’re brand new to faith or returning to church after a time away, you are welcome here. We believe in extending God’s radical hospitality to all, and we’d be delighted to have you visit any time.

Below is a short Q&A, as well as a number of resources for people new to St. Mark’s and the Episcopal Church. Please peruse them at your leisure, and feel free to email us with any questions at info@stmarksutah.org.


What to Expect

When you arrive you will be met by a greeter who will welcome you with a smile, answer any questions you have, and help you find your way into the sanctuary. If you like, our greeter team would be happy to find someone to sit with you and explain anything that is unfamiliar. An usher will give you a program that outlines the service. Please sit anywhere you like.

At the 10:30 a.m. service, everything you need to follow the service is in your bulletin. Follow along the scripture reading and prayers, see what hymn number we will be singing, and find information on when to stand or sit as you feel comfortable. While there are Bibles and prayer books in the aisles, we put all the info in the program so you don't have to juggle so many books.

If you are familiar with Roman Catholic or Lutheran services, you will find our worship quite familiar. If you are from a non-liturgical church background, listen and observe, participate as you are comfortable, and ask questions. It won’t take long for you to feel right at home.

What DO I Wear?

It’s up to you! Some come dressed in their “Sunday best” while others prefer more casual attire such as jeans and a nice shirt. The same goes for children. We invite you and your family to dress in whatever way you feel is comfortable and appropriate.


The form for worship at St. Mark’s is laid out in the program given to you by the ushers when you arrive. During the service, the congregation and choir will sing hymns, and there will be readings from scripture, a sermon, and prayers read by our clergy and by the congregation at large. Towards the end of the service, we celebrate the Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, or the Mass.

Worship in the Episcopal Church is liturgical. Liturgy means “work of the people,” and our worship seeks to engage us in body, mind, and spirit. Our liturgy for Sundays is generally split into two parts, the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Liturgy of the Word consists of prayers, scripture readings and a sermon, an affirmation of faith, corporate confession and absolution, and an exchange of peace (greeting one another in the name of Christ). The Liturgy of the Eucharist comes after the Peace, and begins with the offerings of the congregation, followed by the Eucharistic Prayer, the Lord’s Prayer, the consecration of the bread and wine, Communion, a concluding prayer of thanksgiving, a blessing, and a dismissal. All baptized Christians are welcome at the Lord’s table. Unbaptized children and adults are welcome to come to the communion rail and receive a blessing from the priest in lieu of taking the bread and wine. To do this, simply cross your arms across your chest as an indication you are seeking a blessing. If you cannot walk to the communion rail, let the priest or usher know, and a priest will come to you.

Throughout the service, you may see people standing, kneeling, making the sign of the cross, or bowing at certain points. In general, we stand to sing, praise, and hear the Gospel; we sit during all other readings of scripture and for the sermon; and we may kneel for prayer and to receive Communion. Some stand and some kneel during the Eucharistic Prayer. If you are unsure what to do, follow the example of those around you, or check your service bulletin. If standing or kneeling for periods of time is difficult for you, feel free to remain seated.

WILL I be asked
to do stuff?

No, you will not. At the passing of the peace, people around you will greet you and may offer a handshake. They may introduce themselves then or after the service. You need not do anything that would make you uncomfortable.

Feel free to say hi
& stay for coffee

Following the 10:30 service on Sundays, many people meet in the Parish Hall at the back of the church to socialize, enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, and enjoy light refreshments. Feel free to come by and say hi, introduce yourself to Fr. Tyler or Mtr. Holly, and meet other parish members.