Godly Play on the Day of Pentecost


Welcome to our Godly Play circle on the Day of Pentecost! Today our story is “The Mystery of Pentecost" — a day when we celebrate the birthday of the church!  You can find today's story in the book of Acts by clicking here. 

If you'd like to revisit today's wondering questions, they are as follows:

  • I wonder what part of the story you liked the best?

  • I wonder which part of this story was especially about you, or where you found yourself in the story?

  • I wonder what part of the story is most important?

  • I wonder if there is any part of the story we could leave out and still have all the story we need?

  • I wonder if you have ever come close to something like this? Or felt the power of the Holy Spirit in your life?

BONUS! To help you to expand and enrich your understanding of this important day, Shannon has recorded a special bonus video where she reads two short stories about Pentecost. Check it out below!

In Godly Play, after we listen to a story we always take time to “respond” to the story in some way. This response time can take many forms: artwork, play, journaling or simply continuing to wonder and discuss together. It is important to respond in whatever way feels most authentic to you. However, here are some ideas for ways you can continue to think about and engage with the story of Pentecost as a family.

Build a Tower: Today’s story starts with a retelling of the story of the Tower of Babel from the book of Genesis. Re-enact this story and build a tower from blocks, legos, books, or anything you have on hand. See how high you can build it! As you do this, discuss why you think The Mystery of Pentecost story might have started this way? How does this relate to the events that follow?

Make Cupcakes: This idea comes from Wendy Claire Barrie in her book Faith At Home. She explains, “Pentecost is sometimes called the birthday of the Church, so put a candle on a cupcake.” Some other ideas: “wear red, the color of the Holy Spirit … go outside and blow bubbles, fly a kite, make pinwheels, give red balloons away to strangers.”

Decorate a Dove: Color, paint or collage this template of a dove, and then punch a hole in it and hang it from a string in a window or doorway in your house. Throughout this upcoming season of “Ordinary Time” after Pentecost, let this dove remind you of the work of the Holy Spirit in your life and in the world.

Go Deeper: Godly Play UK has provided a wonderful PDF created for parents and Godly Play teachers with ideas for activities and wondering questions that dive deeper into every part of the Pentecost story. Download that PDF here.

Free response: As always, the best response is often free and open-ended. Provide your child with a journal or a blank piece of paper with art supplies and invite him/her to simply respond to the story as they wish.