Godly Play on the Ninth Sunday After Pentecost


Welcome to our online Godly Play circle on the Ninth Sunday After Pentecost.

First, a reminder that next week (Aug 9) we will be meeting for our third LIVE session of Godly Play over Zoom at 10 AM! Look for the link in your email on Saturday afternoon (Aug 8).

This week we are hearing the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. Shannon is our storyteller and Brooke will help us get ready for the story. Click on the video below to watch!

If you would like to re-visit the wondering questions from the end of the video they were as follows:

  • I wonder how the disciples feel about what just happened?

  • I wonder how the crowd feels?

  • I wonder what kind of king they thought Jesus would be?

  • I wonder why Jesus slipped away?

The opening prayer was adapted from The Children’s Book of Table Blessings by Ellen J Kendig. Here is the text:


Merciful God, you multiplied the loaves and fishes, so there was 

enough food for all the hungry people. Today, there are still 

many people without enough to eat. May we multiply our prayers, 

our help, and our giving to feed the hungry people. May we bring 

whatever we have to the table, no matter how small, knowing that 

with Your help it will always be enough. 

See you next week on Zoom! And keep an eye out for the activity packets. They should arrive in the mail later in the week.