At-Home Family Worship for the Fourth Sunday of Lent

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Every other week we are offering a simple family service for children and families to follow together at home. We hope this can act as another spiritual formation resource for families during this time we cannot meet in-person for worship.


Gather all of your household participants in one place. Find somewhere in your home that feels comfortable and inviting! You can sit in a circle, perhaps around the dinner table or in the living room. You could even get pillows and sit on the floor! Wherever you are, take a moment to pause and breathe together, maybe light a candle. Then, invite one person to lead the opening prayer.


Prayer leader: The Lord be with You
All: And also with you.
Prayer leader: Let us pray.

God of mercy and forgiveness,
you made us to love you and your creation
and to love our neighbors as ourselves
but we fall into sin
when we choose to do hurtful things;
guide us through the forty days of Lent
to come closer to you
with prayer, fasting and giving. Amen.

(from Common Pray for Children & Families)


Read together Ephesians 2:8-10

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God-- not the result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.


Watch this reflection on the reading by Postulant for Holy Orders, Holly Huff!


Listen to this shape note rendition of the classic hymn “How Firm a Foundation.”


Take a moment to pause. Invite a member of the household to be the prayer leader to lead these or similar prayers:

Prayer leader: Let’s pray together silently or out loud. First, let’s say thank you to God for the good things in our lives. Are there specific things you’d like to say thank you for? (Give time for others to share out loud or silently.) For all these things, let’s say together: Thank you so much, Lord!

All: Thank you so much, Lord!

Prayer leader: Now, let’s pray for the people or animals who are sick or need help. We also pray for the things that worry us. Are there specific people, animals, or worries you’d like to pray for? (Give time for others to share out loud or silently.) Let us say: Please God, help us!

All: Please God, help us!

Prayer leader: Repeat after me

All: Dear God,
Thank you for this time together
Stay with us
This week and always. 
Help us to be like Jesus. 

These family services are inspired by and adapted from the Family Worship: Home Edition services at Trinity Wall Street in New York City.