At-Home Family Worship for the 1st Sunday of Advent

Advent 1 FW.png

Every other week we are offering a simple family service for children and families to follow together at home. We hope this can act as another spiritual formation resource for families during this time we cannot meet in-person for worship.

1. Gather Together

Gather around your advent wreath as a household. Your advent wreath can be as simple or elaborate as you want. The only requirement is four candles (traditionally three purple or blue and one pink) set in a ring.

Invite one person to read the following introduction and to lead the opening prayer.

Advent is a season of expectation: a time when we prepare our hearts and spirits for the birth of Jesus. Each week in Advent, we light another candle in our wreath. As it becomes brighter and brighter, it helps us remember that Jesus brings the light and love of God into the world.

Light the first candle.

Jesus is coming! We light the first candle, which represents hope.

2. Opening Prayer

Prayer leader: The Lord be with You
All: And also with you.
Prayer leader: Let us pray.

Loving God, give light to our eyes
and peace to our hearts.
Help us watch and wait in hope for the coming of Jesus.

3. Reading

Watch this video of special guest reader Jack reading 1 Corinthians 1:3-9!


4. Reflection

Watch this short reflection on the reading from Children’s Formation Director, Brooke Parker.


5. Music

Now that we have entered the season of Advent it’s time to pull out some of the Advent classics. Listen to this choral rendition of O Come, O Come Emmanuel and sing along with the lyrics on the screen!


6. Closing Prayers

Take a moment to pause. Invite a member of the household to be the prayer leader to lead these or similar prayers:

Prayer leader: Let’s pray together silently or out loud. First, let’s say thank you to God for the good things in our lives. Are there specific things you’d like to say thank you for? (Give time for others to share out loud or silently.) For all these things, let’s say together: Thank you so much, Lord!

All: Thank you so much, Lord!

Prayer leader: Now, let’s pray for the people or animals who are sick or need help. We also pray for the things that worry us. Are there specific people, animals, or worries you’d like to pray for? (Give time for others to share out loud or silently.) Let us say: Please God, help us!

All: Please God, help us!

Prayer leader: Repeat after me

All: Dear God,
Thank you for this time together
Stay with us
This week and always. 
Help us to be like Jesus. 

These family services are inspired by and adapted from the Family Worship: Home Edition services at Trinity Wall Street in New York City.