What We Believe

We Are Christian

The Sanctuary is Christian, meaning that we believe in the loving, liberating, life-giving God of the Bible. We believe God came to be with us in the person of Jesus Christ, and that it is through a relationship with him that we gain eternal life and salvation. A succinct summary of our beliefs can be found in the creeds and in the Catechism (outline of faith) of The Episcopal Church.

We Are Episcopalian

The Episcopal Church is an American protestant denomination and a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion. The Anglican Communion is a global family of churches descended from the Church of England and numbering more than 85 million people. As liturgical and sacramental Christians, Episcopalians trace our beliefs and practices back to Jesus Christ and his apostles, making us part of the “one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church” (BCP 359).

We are Inclusive

We believe in God’s saving power to transform our lives, cultures, and world, and strive to embody Christ’s radical hospitality in our welcome of both stranger and friend. God makes no distinctions, so neither do we; the sacraments, life, and worship of the Episcopal Church are open to all, regardless of gender, sexuality, or any other human division.

Just so we’re clear, we are fully and unapolagetically inclusive and affirming of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender individuals.